WEGC is a multicultural girls secondary school with around 1,000 students.
The school has a tradition dating back to 1925 but at the same time is progressive in use of technology, longer learning times, modern learning environments and practices.
Ko te WEGC he kura tuarua mo nga kura tuarua me te 1,000 nga akonga.
The curriculum provided at Wellington East Girls' College is based on the New Zealand Curriculum.
It provides students with the opportunities to develop the values, key competencies and knowledge that are vital to becoming active, confident and contributing members of society
Ko te marautanga e whakaratohia ana i Te Whanganui-a-Tara Te Kura Tuarua o Te Whanganui-a-Tara e hāngai ana ki te Marautanga o Aotearoa
The wellbeing of our students and their learning and academic success are our highest priorities.
Ko te oranga o a tatou akonga me o ratau akoranga me te angitu o te matauranga ko o tatou tino kaupapa matua.
We value the connection between parents and whānau as an important part of student learning and wellbeing.
Ka whakanuihia e mätou te hononga i waenga i ngä mätua me te whānau hei wähanga nui o te ako me te oranga o nga akonga.
Wellington East Girls’ College offers a wide range of sporting opportunities for students.
This incorporates learning about sportsmanship, teamwork, resilience and commitment.
Ko te Whare Pukapuka o Te Whanganui-a-Tara e whakawhiti ana i te maha o nga waahi ngahau mo nga akonga.
We greatly value the diversity or arts and cultural activities undertaken by our students and encourage active participation by all.
Ka tino whakanuihia e mätau äkonga ngä momo rerekë, ngä mahi toi me ngä mahi ahurea e whakatairangahia ana e te katoa.