The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award is a global youth development framework that began in 1956 and has continued to transform the lives of young people since. The Award creates opportunities for young people to discover their potential by challenging them to set goals and achieve them, building self confidence and resilience and helping set them up for success in their future. It is the world’s leading youth achievement award (www.dofehillary.org.nz).
There are three levels to the Award - Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each level has four specific sections that participants need to complete activities in (plus a fifth at Gold level). At each level of the Award participants increase the time, commitment and challenge they need to invest in order to achieve the Award.

Voluntary Service

Physical Recreation


Adventurous Journey

Residential Project (Gold level only)
Students design their own Award programmes, set their own goals and record their own progress. The only person they compete against is themselves, by challenging their own beliefs about what they can achieve.
Wellington East Girls College is a licenced Award Unit supported by a part-time co-ordinator and accredited Award Leader, Deb Remacha. Students are invited to participate in the Award from the beginning of their Year 10 year. An information evening for Year 9 students and families is held in term 4 each year and any enquiries at other times can be directed to deb.remacha@wegc.school.nz