
Wellington East Girls' College uniform is available from NZ Uniforms retail store located at 168 Thorndon Quay, Wellington. You are also able to purchase uniform items from their online store: https://wegc.nzuniforms.com/
NZ Uniforms Store Details:
- Location: 168 Thorndon Quay, Wellington
- Store Hours:some text
- Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
- Phone: 04 238 4727
- Email: wellington@nzuniforms.com
- Online Store: https://www.nzuniforms.com/
Payment Options:
- WINZ/OT/Charities/Trusts/Whānau & Family Quotes
- WINZ CUR Number: 001604113
- Quotes can be obtained online by selecting the "Quote" option at checkout.
- Other Payment Methods: NZ Uniforms Gift Cards, Afterpay (in-store only), Zip, EFTPOS, credit cards and bank transfers (online)
Additional Services:
- Name Labelling - Name labels can be attached to uniform items while you wait, for $4 per label.
- Alteration Services - In store to alter items.
- Additional Stock - The store also stocks a range of school shoes, school bags, belts, socks, hair accessories, shoe polish and more.
Second Hand Uniform: The school will no longer operate a second-hand uniform facility. WEGC will still be accepting donations of second hand uniforms for students in need. Please bring any donations to our school reception and we will gladly accept them.
WEGC Uniform:
Our uniform is compulsory for all students. We have a capsule uniform and students can choose to wear items from our range. There is no separate summer/winter uniform.
Please download full information and pricing: Uniform Information and Pricing, as at January 2025
Our uniform guidelines can be viewed on these slides: Uniform Guide
Our WEGC formal uniform is to be worn to events where our school is being represented e.g. trips and Prize giving. The formal uniform is tights or white socks, blouse, jersey/vest/cardigan, Blazer, skirt/trousers and black leather shoes
- A plain black jacket can be worn but is to be removed in class.
- A white thermal can be worn under a school shirt as long as it is not visible.
- Jewellery limited to a watch, cultural or religious necklace, up to two sets of earrings (studs or small sleepers), and one nose stud.
- Headscarves, worn for religious reasons only, are to be plain black, navy blue or white.
- No coloured nail polish, minimal makeup.
- All clothing and gear should be clearly and permanently labelled.
- Uniform is optional in Year 13, however must be worn for all formal occasions.
PE Uniform - Compulsory in Year 9 + 10
Students must have separate PE gear and be prepared for the days they have lessons
- WEGC Navy blue shorts and WEGC navy and gold PE top
- Sports Hoodie – Compulsory for all representative sports travel. Optional for all other students attending sporting events. The hoodie is only worn for PE and sporting events.
- Navy blue track pants and thermals (these are optional items) - purchased from other Retails Outlets
- Non marking Sports Shoes – Purchased from other Retail Outlets