Wellington East Girls' College is proud of the reputation we have for excellence through inclusive student centred learning, based on the values of diversity, equity, and wellbeing.
I believe it is the role of Wellington East Girls’ College to nurture young women to become global citizens who are strong in their own culture and identity and empowered to make a difference in their communities and in the world.
We have a focus on equitable outcomes, a responsive curriculum for innovative and future focused teaching and learning, integrated community relationships and student hauora. All our developments sit within this strategic framework.
Matairangi, our main building hosts innovative learning environments where students are firmly at the centre and learn to connect, collaborate and create their futures. The dedicated and committed staff continue to develop learning opportunities for students to experience challenge, demonstrate innovation and creativity and celebrate success.
Nei rā Te Kura Kōhine o Te Rāwhiti o Te Ūpoko o Te Ika e tū whakatamarahi atu ana ki ngā putanga kairangi e whakaata mai ana i ngā kaupapa ako whāiti. E hāngai ana ki ngā uara whakaehu o te tangata, te mana taurite o te tangata ōtira te toiora o te tangata.
E whakapono ana ahau kei a Rāwhiti tonu te haepapa nui ki te maimoa i ngā kōhine rangatahi kia tū pakari ai rātou hei manukura tātaki mo te ao whānui, kia tū rangatira anō hoki rātou hei māngai, hei raukura mō tō rātou iwi ā tuakiri, ā hāpori tatu atu rā ki te ao whānui.
Ko tētahi aronga ā-kaupapa ko ngā hua matatika e puta ai i te marautanga ako e hāngai tonu ana ki te auaha waihangatanga kia whanake ai ngā kaupapa whakaako e kōtuitui ai te hoahoatanga ki ngā hāpori me te hauora o te tamaiti. Koinei tonu te tāhūhū e tāwharau nei i tō tātou nei marautanga ā rautaki ako.
Ko Mātairangi te whare matua e mau nei te ahikā ki te taiao ako, koinei te pokapū matua e huihui ai ngā ākonga kia tipu ngātahi, kia koke whakamua ngātahi ki te inamata. Ko te ū hoki o ngā kaiako me ngā kaimahi ki te whakawhanake i ngā kaupapa ako hei wheakotanga whāngai i te auaha waihangatangaa te tamaiti ā, mā tēnei e eke ai ngā tauira ki te kairangitanga.
Gael Ashworth