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Who we are

The Wellington East Girls' College Board are:

  • Gael Ashworth (The Principal)
  • Alana Cockburn (Staff Representative)
  • Claire Craig (Te Whānau Tutahi Representative co-opted)
  • Fleur Howard (Community Representative)
  • Michelle Kanellis (Community Representative)
  • Vito Lo Iacono (Community Representative)
  • Mason Malagamaali'i (Community Representative)
  • Barbara McCallum (Community Representative)
  • Eunice Pedro (Pasifika Representative - co opted)
  • Seralina Seumanufagai (Student Representative)

What we do 

Under Schedule 6 of the Education and Training Act 2020, Boards are responsible for the governance of schools. Our Board’s key areas of contribution are: 

  • Representation
  • Leadership
  • Accountability
  • Employer role

This includes:

  • ensuring the school complies with all National Education Goals, Guidelines and Policies
  • determining the school’s strategic direction and long-term plans, and monitoring progress against them 
  • monitoring student achievement ensuring that there is effective communication and consultation with the school’s community
  • developing and approving policies
  • appointing the principal, and appraising and supporting her performance
  • approving the appointment of all staff and making decisions on personnel matters when required by school policies
  • overall responsibility for property and financial management (normally exercised through the Board sub-committee)
  • dealing with serious disciplinary matters through the Disciplinary Sub-committee which is convened as required

The Board's vision, mission and values for Wellington East Girls College can be found in the Strategic Plan 2024-2026 and Annual Plan. It also details the strategic direction the Board has set for the school. You can also view our Annual Report.

Wellington East Girls' College is the governing body for He Huarahi Tamariki (HHT) in Tawa. You can find their Annual Plan here.

When we meet 

The Board generally meets 8x a year, on the first Tuesday of the month from 5:30 - 8:30pm. All meetings are open to the public and the minutes and associated reports from the meetings are available through the school office on request.   

Meeting Dates 2024

  • Tuesday 5 March
  • Tuesday 9 April
  • Tuesday 7 May
  • Tuesday 4 June
  • Tuesday 6 August
  • Tuesday 3 September
  • Wednesday 5 November
  • Tuesday 3 December

What happens at Board Meetings 

All meetings follow a set agenda which includes:

  • confirmation of the previous meeting’s minutes
  • the Principal’s report
  • strategic decisions and discussions
  • a finance and property report
  • updates from the staff, student, whānau, pasifika and past pupils representatives

Becoming a Board Member 

The community representatives on the WEGC Board are elected every 18 months as we run a staggered election cycle. The current board was elected in September 2022 (and a by election in March 2023). The next election will be held in early 2024. Students elect a Student member annually. Our staff representative is elected every three years. Our Māori Community Representative is elected by  Te Whānau Tutahi  with our Pasifika Parents Group co-opting a Board member. 

Contact us

Please contact the Board on