WEGC Philosophy and Approach identifying and supporting the gifted / talented
Gifted and talented students are not all the same. Identifying students as Gifted and Talented is a means to an end. Giftedness can be culturally specific. It is about personalising learning in class. We aim to provide learning opportunities to target students’ abilities and interests. We like to talk with students, parents, teachers and our communities to help us do this well. We use a combination of enrichment and acceleration - differentiated teaching and learning in classes and enrichment opportunities outside the classroom. The process is ongoing and evaluated
Community Links
WEGC is engaged in ongoing conversations with our diverse communities. This involves exploring the meaning of giftedness in a cultural context to enable WEGC to better personalise learning and talent development.
The idea of a student being able to demonstrate ‘giftedness and talent’ in different ways and in different contexts is new but exciting – it allows for the student to be at the centre of its meaning.
WEGC values connections with outside organisations to provide enrichment opportunities. For example – Massey University Robotics course, Future Problem Solving, Otago University Mathematics and Science courses.