Tēnā koutou katoa,

We have been reviewing our staffing situation during the first two weeks of the term. We continue to have some pinch points, however, we are able to return to our normal school times for Monday, Tuesday and Friday for the next two weeks. Wednesday and Thursday will be shortened days. Details of the changes to the school day can be found at the end of this newsletter and I will update you to any further changes towards the end of week 4.

It is really important that students are attending school regularly, we are unable to support students working from home unless they are ill with COVID or having to isolate. This approach allows students to attend all classes providing greater continuity of learning and the routine of regular attendance at school. 

After school buses can not be changed, so students who wish to wait for the school bus will be able to do so.  Sports,cultural practices, homework club, and trainings will take into account the changes to the end of the day wherever  possible.

Changes to school day week 3 and 4 Term 3


8.45am - 10.15am Session 1

10.15am - 10.40am Interval

10.40am - 11.15am Ako

11.20am- 12.50pm Session 3

12.50pm - 1.50pm Lunch

1.50pm - 3.20pm Session 4

3.20pm Finish


8.45am - 9.55am Session 1

9.55am - 10.25am Interval

10.25am - 11.35am Session 2

11.35am - 12.05pm Lunch

12.05pm - 1.15pm Session 3

1.15pm Finish


8.45am - 9.55am Session 1

9.55am - 10.20am Interval

10.20am - 11.00am Ako

11.00am - 12.10pm Session 3

12.10pm - 1.10pm Lunch

1.10pm - 2.20pm Session 4

2.20pm Finish


Normal times

3.20pm Finish

I really appreciate your support with navigating this challenging situation.

Ngā mihi nui

Gael Ashworth
